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Video report of public relations of Anzali Port Free Zone Organization from Khazar Company, the source of Bandar

خزر منبع بندر

In this visit, which took place on October 26, 2020, the filming and content production group of the public relations department of the Bandar Anzali Free Zone Organization, while preparing a video report in the form of video and photos of the production line process in both phases of metal and polyethylene products with the manager The agent of this series was also interviewed.

In an interview with this news group, Mr. Haidar Asgari, CEO of Khazar Manbeh Bandar Company, while describing the factory’s activities since 1985, also referred to the efforts of this industrial production unit to increase the level of production and align with the goals of the production leap year. Relying on upgrading products and creating more variety in production lines were the points expressed by the CEO of this collection.

The full description of the interview, videos and video reports can be viewed and accessed on the site and Instagram of the Public Relations Department of the Bandar Anzali Free Zone Organization at anzali.ir and afz_news.

In the following, you will see pictures of this process of preparing this report.

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